March 17, 2023

Cpid Server Approved

This is a repair guide, what is cpid Approved, and how it works to restore, change and fix Samsung Galaxy IMEI.

Cpid Server Approved

The CPID Approve method is a unique and cost-effective solution for repairing IMEI.

Compared to an official approval, the CPID Server is more affordable but still more expensive than a patch approval. It is a direct service plug and play with no additional steps required, making it easy and convenient for users. This solution is primarily used on Samsung Galaxy devices, and it supports all software versions, making it a versatile solution for a wide range of users.

the CPID Server Approve method is a reliable, cost-effective, and secure solution for repairing your Android device's IMEI and unlocking its original firmware. It offers unique features such as a custom IMEI, direct service plug and play, and software that connects to a server, making it stand out from other repair methods available in the market.

Here are the general steps on how to add your approved IMEI, to repair a Samsung Galaxy's IMEI using the CPID SERVER IMEI Repair Tool:

  1. Download and install the CPID SERVER IMEI Repair tool on your computer.
  2. Connect your Samsung live demo unit to your computer using a USB cable.
  3. Open the IMEI fixer tool and select the Samsung live demo unit from the list of connected devices.
  4. Enter the new IMEI number that you want to use for your device.
  5. Click on the "Repair IMEI" button to begin the repair process.
  6. Wait for the tool to complete the repair process, which may take a few minutes.
  7. Once the process is complete, disconnect your device from your computer and restart it.

Here are the benefits of our CPID server Approved solution:

  1. No rooting required: Our CPID server solution does not require rooting the device, making it a safe and easy method to use.
  2. IMEI remains unchanged: Our solution changes the IMEI number of your device through software that is connected to a server. The original IMEI is replaced with a custom one, which bypasses restrictions on unregistered IMEI in certain countries. The custom IMEI remains unchanged even after a factory reset or firmware update.
  3. Permanent solution: Our service is permanent, meaning that you will be able to update and reset the device without any issues. This is not the case with other methods such as patch approvals, which are temporary.
  4. No security risks: The device security will stay intact after the repair, ensuring that your device remains secure and protected.
  5. Affordable: Our CPID server solution is more affordable than getting an official approval, while still being more effective than patch approvals.
  6. Fully functional device: The main purpose of the CPID server is to allow the phone to be fully functional by fixing the developer IMEI, removing the SIM lock, and resolving issues such as “Cert Fail” and security damage.

In summary, our CPID server solution is a safe, permanent, and affordable method for repairing IMEI and unlocking firmware on Android devices, making your device fully functional without any security risks.

Disclaimer of Liability

Keep in mind that IMEI repair may void the warranty of your device, and it could be illegal in certain countries, so please check your local laws and regulations before attempting to repair the IMEI of your device.
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