September 24, 2023

A Comprehensive Guide to Obtaining and Registering IMEI for CPID Server

Learn how to obtain and register a new IMEI for your device, including Samsung demo devices, to ensure seamless integration with CPID Server's services. Follow these steps to stay connected without a hitch, even if your device faces a cert fail or broken IMEIs.

A Comprehensive Guide to Obtaining and Registering IMEI for CPID Server

Are you a CPID Server user looking to replace your device's IMEI, including Samsung demo devices, and maintain uninterrupted service? We've got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps to obtain and register a new IMEI for your device, whether it's a demo device or faces cert fail or broken IMEIs.

Why Replace an IMEI?

Before we dive into the process, let's understand why you might need to replace your IMEI. The IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a unique identifier for your device. In some cases, it can get blacklisted due to loss or theft, causing service disruptions. For Samsung demo devices or those facing cert fail or broken IMEIs, replacing the IMEI is essential to ensure they function like normal devices.

IMEI Replacement:

If your IMEI has been blacklisted or if you're dealing with a Samsung demo device, cert fail, or broken IMEIs, consider the following options:

Blacklisted IMEI:

  • The first option is to replace it with the IMEI of an older, whitelisted or unused device.
  • Furthermore, if your current network allows IMEI duplication, you can use the IMEI of any device you own or have owned in the past.

Broken IMEI or Cert Fail:

  • For broken IMEIs, simply reuse the original IMEI.

LDU Demo Devices:

  • Choose the method that suits you best from the guide.

Compatibility with 4G and 5G networks :

For compatibility with 4G and 5G networks, you must ensure that you are using a 4G and 5G IMEI or the IMEI of the same device model, the best option is to use the device's original IMEI or tac IMEI option and choose the IMEI of a device that is compatible with 4G and 5G networks but a 3G IMEI may still work on a 5G network, Understanding IMEI Changes and 5G Compatibility.

Step 1: TAC IMEI Option

You can also use the TAC IMEI to avoid any future problems with your device, whether it's a Samsung demo device or one with a faulty, blacklisted or broken IMEI. The TAC (Type Allocation Code) is the first digit of an IMEI that identifies the model and origin of the device. Here's how to proceed:

  1. Find the Appropriate TAC IMEI: Search online for the TAC IMEI of your device model, such as "S23 TAC IMEI." Make sure to add any missing digits to create a complete IMEI.
  2. Verification: Confirm the accuracy of the obtained IMEI by checking your country's IMEI database.
  3. check
This option is also suitable if it doesn't matter which imei you put on the device. So you can always get the same imei model using this option, assuming that any randomly generated imei will work for your device.

Step 2: Registered or approved IMEI

it's mandatory to register your IMEI. If this is the case for you, ensure you send an IMEI that has been previously registered.

Step 3: Random IMEI Generator

You can also use the online imei generator, but you do so at your own risk.



Replacing your device's IMEI, including Samsung demo devices, or addressing cert fail or broken IMEIs, doesn't have to be a complicated process. Stay connected with CPID Server by following these steps, and enjoy uninterrupted service on your device, regardless of the issue you're facing.

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